Anti Reset (2024) Episode 3

Category: Anti Reset (2024)

Dear Asian drama fans, you're watching Anti Reset (2024) Episode 3 with english subtitles.

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7 Comments to “Anti Reset (2024) Episode 3

  1. Does this series make viewers uncomfortable with the relationship between a human and an AI !?

    Idk whether this is based on one of the predecessor dramas, specifically Absolute Boyfriend about a heroine and her robot boyfriend. The differences between these two dramas are genders and sexual orientation. Night in Absolute Boyfriend is a robot male lover. A kiss is required to activate the robot. The robot is intended to be not only a boyfriend but also to copulate with its owner. However, the heroine keeps denying Night’s sexual advances.

    As for Anti Reset’s AI Ever 9, he is sent to do chores that Chu YP could not because of a dislocated shoulder. But Chu YP experience with 9 surges feelings that he has not known missing in his 30 years of life, cohabitate with a companion.

    Thus, Night in Absolute Boyfriend is technically a sex companion, doll, toy or object. According to Uncle, certain feature(s) within 9 could be unlocked if Chu YP desires, hence a sex partner which I consider 9 would be no different from Night.

    In concern with ethics and morals, realistically, Ever 9 could be distinguished no different than a RoboVac. Then would it be alright to view 9 as a vibrate dildo or a battery operate fleshjack to relieve sexual frustration !? This is entirely my personal view. Please don’t hate me. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  2. Oh feel the tension and the urges pent up especially when an attractive AI Ever 9 is present. Ugh! 🫦 πŸ˜…

    Thus taking a cold shower would benefit Chu YP. I’m just surprised that Ever 9 does not have that in his data. πŸ˜… πŸ˜†

    πŸ˜† The heat and plumbing are just fine, but it can’t be said the same for Chu YP. πŸ˜…

    πŸ˜… OMG πŸ₯΅ I am dying watching them, the skinship.

    😁 Chu YP’s hungry eyes 🫦 πŸ˜…

    🚿 πŸ’¦ I ahh… need a cold shower πŸ₯΅ πŸ˜…

  3. It seems like everyones feeling is… Hey they got great horn dog chemistry, but not much intimate emotional connection. The story has cute moments, but the actual story sucks. And yet despite all fo that we will all watch it anyway for the cute moments and horny spots. XD

  4. Idk and idc about y’all, but these two can deliver some horny feelings with just them eyes. Whew
    Elon, honey you better Watch This.
    But give me a Mr 007, twink on twink wont do it for me

  5. 🎢 No no don’t touch me there. This is my no no square. πŸŽΆπŸ•Ί

  6. I really want to enjoy this drama cause it seems cute.. but the fact that he practically drools over Mr 9 idk man.. something about it just aint vibing with me.

    idk do i make any sense.. 😩

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