The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) Episode 14
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The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) Episode 14 full episodes
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As someone who married their coworker, I can relate to a lot of this. No one knew we were dating until after we secretly married. 😳
apology to the actor, but if trash had a face…
It’s incredible how they are treating her like she’s dating a 15 year old boy and not a fully grown up 30 years old MAN. And the others in the academy not being on their side, like they don’t realize that being against them will only bring disaster to the whole academy. I understand it for the few people that got offered a new job by the witch, but still, crazy that they want to leave leaving a mess behind and ruining other people’s lives, really disgusting people. I hope karma gets them in the end.
And there are only two more episodes to fix all this problem and give us a happy ending 😆!
its good to have strong unlikable characters, at least better than luke warm goody two shoe ones. the morning meeting is so uncomfortable to watch…fantastic.
yikes, the mothers…so many in certain part of the world who never made anything of themselves , instead try to live vicariously through their children, and brainwashed by
consumerismchanel and gucci.Just starting this episode. All I can say is, those colleague of them are just hypocrite.
Hmm……Rough Episode. Two jealous old hags cackling together. Unrequited love causing the other teacher who was spurned to lash out in jealousy. Slut shaming moms more concerned about gossip rather than the effect it will have on their kids. Jumping academies and instructors in the middle of semesters can have a bad impact too. For now I’m glad the pair is striving to make it through the bs being inflicted~
I knew I could trust Nam Chung mi staying by Hyejin’s side and not joining the others. She’s a true loyal friend for doing that. Almost cried as well when she told her that.
One of the reasons why shows like this start off amazing then end up at the bottom is because the writers don’t give simple explanations for what the viewer would perceive as obvious. Instead, they use the most obvious content to create the most solvable drama and expect us to be satisfied with their non-reasoning. In reasoning, I’m talking about providing supportive content that explains away the obvious (e.g. company no dating colleague policy, legal conflict of interest somewhere in all of this, or even just a conversation of possible misuse of funds). Just give us something to make us say “This is why they can’t reveal this; or, I understand why they can’t do that.” You can’t excuse not speaking on the obvious by saying “it’s to save the program’s reputation.” because all the drama has been made public already. I refuse to just look at this horrible writing as “They needed to create some drama somewhere to shake things up.” Nope won’t work when there are too many obvious solutions to the drama. There are enough witnesses that can attest to the Assistant Director’s wrongdoing. There are so many things she has done that can easily get her fired and/or jailed; yet, she is allowed to just randomly violate policies, standards of practices, ethics, and a host of other things like its legal. The theft of proprietary property is an actual crime punishable by law. How can all the leadership be this useless and incompetent? Too many questions left unanswered.
The ML is a grown man; yet, the drama they have created keeps referring to him currently as her student like she took advantage of a minor. This is an insult to the ML’s character in general as we had to watch him fight to get her and his parents to respect him as a man who can take care of himself. Not one person has mentioned a policy where dating is restricted in the workplace; yet, they are behaving like the ultimate crime has been committed. To add insult to injury, the writers decided to allow a conversation to happen with the parents where they suggest the FL’s potential to be a pedophile. This was too much and unwarranted. Both the FL and ML are being publicly slandered and surprise, the lawyer friend who is in every episode randomly disappears. Make it make sense.
No one is speaking on or providing any sound reasoning for any of the obvious easily solvable drama. The FL and ML protects and defends everything and everyone but themselves? This makes no sense especially since they had one of the best contentious arguments in KDrama history over their work but can’t find one thing to say to defend their career, relationship or reputation. Come on writers, where is the creativity. For me this and this is where the show loses viewership and drops in ratings. The program manager spoke with the ML about starting her own program, where is the follow-up to this and why is she pretending to be so naive? I considered this show as a top melodrama (up there with My Mister) so lazy writing was not something I expected this late in the series. I’m disappointed by this episode.
hyejin and junho breaking down… man. these vile people i hope they rot especially YJS
both the scenes were heartbreaking for reasons of their own.
in hyejin’s case, we see her trying her best to keep it together through everything, and her strength is nothing short of admirable— but one can take only so much, and the way she just breaks down into sobs after the meeting with the moms was just… gosh. how considerate and kind though, of ms.nam to close the blinds for her and sit by quietly as she cried, that’s something a true friend would do. i love her.
and then we have junho. this guy, omg. he had everyone fooled, even hyejin, that nothing seemed to faze him… but then we get to the end of the episode, and him crying as he confesses that he’s scared too, just crushes your heart into pieces. the thought that he might as well be the cause of both hyejin and the academy’s ruin was likely eating away at him the whole time, but we see none of it (except for the one time he loses his cool in the beginning) because he’s simply that good at hiding it, or to put it as everyone in the show has, because he’s just that good with words.
i wonder what went on in hyejin’s head in that last scene..
The moms slut shaming Hye Jin tch.🙄
Wah was Mr. Yoon always such a dirtbag!? How did he turn like this? Yikes.😱
Loved how Jun Ho didn’t take any bs fr the students ha-ha. Wht a man.🥰
YaY knew can count on Ms. Nam LoL but .. Mr. Pyo has done a total 180 yo. Nice to see ‘im be on Hye Jin, Jun Ho’s too.
Ms. Nam + Sung Gyu are so so so cute~💜
My heart breaks 💔 at sight of both Jun Ho, Hye Jin breaking down…🥺 And next week is the finalé aw~😔
Mr. Kim had a sharp eye for romance but he was pretty dense when it came to Ms. Woo. Lol. I hate Ms. Woo but I can see why she hates him. But I’m glad Mr. Kim turned out to be quite a good guy. It’s realistic that he also had a business to look out for, and he’s also looking out for Hyejin. I’m not mad at him for suggesting Junho to quit, but it was cute how he got flustered when Junho broke down in front of him. Hyejin breaking down broke my heart, but seeing Junho, who feared nothing, break down too, that really made me cry :'(
I’m so glad that Ms. Nam chose to side with Hyejin and Junho, and even Junho’s friend!! Ahhh we need to see a double date please!!!! “I’ll play with you” was such a powerful phrase that it brought me to tears as it did to Hyejin. I’m also relieved that Ms. Nam wasn’t the only one who supported Hyejin. There are still good people, though rare.
I also love that Hyejin and Junho still stuck together no matter what. Hyejin telling him to stay by her side made things even better. She didn’t try to act tough by pushing him away, and Junho refused to leave the academy because Hyejin told him to stay with her. They discussed things over, and was honest with each other. I love seeing them both dealing with this TOGETHER, instead of one person telling the other not to worry, and make all the decisions on their own. They discussed because they respected each other. I hate it when one party always says “I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry. Just leave to me.” without discussing anything and expect the other person to stay put. Imagine how frustrating that would be for the other person. I honestly love it so much that we got to see the leads communicating.
With only two episodes left, I don’t think we’ll see them break up. I hope. I believe with the way they have confronted things so far, these two will keep sticking together and be there for each other. No noble idiocy breakup sh*t. Please! Our leads are smarter than that. And I’m really looking forward to the final week. I can’t wait to see them weather the storm and date happily again.
I am heartbroken. Lee Junho must be feeling so bad to be the reason for all the chaos at his beloved place of learning, in the life of his own partner. That scene broke me so much. I don’t understand these people have issues about 30+ adults dating what are these stupid no dating in workplace policies? In India also I have seen, what the f man?
I am happy Nam is staying, and I hope to see a change of heart for Yoon. I hope all this mess settles down, but I don’t think so
Meanwhile, Junho, this sweetheart left a note and she kept reading it over and over again. That note saved her day. Showing up for your partner is so important, and she cherished it like a teenager who’d just gotten a love note from her first love. I had tears, but it was so calming to watch it. Ah that’s how people feel when your loved one chooses to show up for you in all ways conceivable.
I have a feeling Pyo will use his pawns and make some solid moves.
Reason I usually skip episodes 13 and 14 of most dramas, spoils my mood for a whole week. Hopefully, for this couple there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Why doesn’t anyone tell the fuckers to mind their own dam business ? They have nothing to apolgise for and i swear only 1 person supported them, the other new female teacher. I swear the whole situation makes me made with rage. They have zero authority over them and they are attempting to shame them into a group acceptance that they’ve done something dirty or wrong. Who the hell do they they are ?
This was a sad episode but I know they will overcome this. Just a shoutout to Ms Nam tho because THATS A LOYAL FRIEND and a decent human. Also that other female teacher (social studies?) love her too!
low-key like the way the strive happened in episode 14. This director is knows for dragging out the strive in his dramas so with just two episodes left, I’m not too bothered.
This episode is the perfect example of “the dangers of a single story”. Someone bent the truth and everyone ran with it.
Like the way Jun Hi handled the students in his class and the other teacher, the last scene is so gut wrenching.
💩 hit the fan