The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 1
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 1 full episodes
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I just watched the ep 2. I really enjoyed this drama so far. The FL acting is good and i like her character.
There are so many disappointing korean dramas this year, i didn’t want to finish watching those dramas. But i think this one will be different.
She released abusive BF.So, she can give him real help trial. Is the girl really save? She doesn’t have feelings toward victim coz she isn’t normal human judge but hell judge.
May she will open up after romance colab with ML.
Is this from a webtoon?
Looks exciting but then……. I saw the name……… RAT+
One thing I hate about this series is that it’s airing from Dis ney +. So it’s coming out on Hu Lu in the US. Which means it’s going to take a while for it to appear on hu lu for me, in the US 😭😭. Some dramas air at the same time airing in Korea. Man….. I’ll be waiting.
now I can’t unsee it !! I’m gonna call him Downy from now on XD
The legal system is actually fked that gives light punishment to criminal scum bags, strip them of their rights and give them death sentences. If they violated the rights of other people to life and liberty, they should not be allowed those
Two episodes were broadcast in Korea. Where did one episode go?
Seems the GF may have an agenda for having the beater released. Wonder which will fall first. I wonder if there will be someone who threatens kids. Maybe going that way. ugh.
You gotta watch the second episode to see how the first case is resolved. I’m surprised they haven’t uploaded it here. But there’s this sequence that just left me speechless. Park Shin Hye is outstanding 👌🏼
I didn’t expect the plot of this first episode, I didn’t really read the synopsis since I was going to watch no matter what…but she released a monster to gain her number… I guess the title is fitting… obviously I will keep watching after all she’s a demon so what she did is fitting for her character… I have to say though I like seeing her in action drama… but doesn’t this also feel a little like my demon…maybe not…And also the outfits look like they’re going to be amazing!
To summarize this show, this is basically a female ver. of Lucifer but without the detective to keep him in check.
While I don’t approve of the way FMC does things, she is, after all, a demon. Her personality was already established as “trash” in the beginning. But yes, it’s truly unfair/unjust of what she is doing to that poor victim. Hopefully as the story continues, her method can at least be somewhat “human”.
This is cheating! She is creating the crime. I hope she is punished for that.
Her and her side kick messed up big time.
She started off well(serving justice, keeping it real to the fullest, no discrimination).
But she started feeling herself a little too much, gambled with someonesl life and lost.
She was so confident in the epilogue🙃
A Demon can be inside a Holy House of God/ church!?😳
I’m glad Shin Hye’s spouse, folks, in-laws are so supportive of her bein’ active at work ‘gain.🥰 It’s a blessing f her fans, viewers as me.🤩
– “it’s neither God nor Satan that messed up the world, it’s humans..”
The tension between Bit Na, Da On🔥😏😘
he reminded me of Doctor Octopus from spiderman lolx, except that he is shown to be a spiderman…..
I was the same throughout the whole trial…🤣🤣🤣
she’s love ❤️ 🙆♀️🙆♀️🙆♀️🙆♀️. loved to see her in a different character, and her styling is on point 💕💕
where does her parents live that she called her father during the extreme day time and he didn’t even reach her till night???
even if they live somewhere else, shouldn’t they come and just stay near her given that the culprit didn’t get punished and he’d definitely harm her again????
Those children from gwenchana, gwenchana 🥰 adweo andweoo x2
The talk about The sentencing for 1 to 2 years is so true to Korea and it’s treatment when it comes to voilent crimes against women and children.
oh….why did they have to make this fantasy…
About time for some real drama!
This was heart breaking dont believe ab words ever.
Kim Jaeyeongs first big drama hope he gets lots of recognition. So proud of how far he has come. Praying for better future
Whoaaa finally seeing super rich version of Park Shin Hye 😂😂😂
She looks soo stunning. I’ve always knew she’s a great actress but DAYM this episode really locked her in as one of the greatest actress everr. Whatever she touches turns to gold.
My interest in this actually has nothing to do with the leads and more so because there isn’t a hint of anything with supernatural elements on the air. This drama is badly needed right now~
How desperate is coca colla to use kdrama for advertisement to appeal for the boycotter and the irony is it is being used by a demon from hell
The FL character is quite charming.
Finally my long waited drama am hooked park shin hye is nailing her character
God when is ep 2 being translated?????
waaaaa the preview for the next episode😁😁😁😁im so glad that PSH take this drama🥰🥰🥰
I just love law related dramas and also this type of dramas in which the fl is lead and also like so many cool concepts like she is demon and is sassy too I love park shinhye since her movie the call and I love her acting so happy she chose this role.😭💜
OMG, she is so bad. She just bulldozed the victim parents and the detective. I guess she forgot her heart in Hell.
Great start….my fvrt ml. This role suits her coz this z her personality.
Finally the first episode aired!😊😊 I like Park Shin Hye’s character here because she is funny, badass and sassy judge.
OMG! My girl is back! Park Shin Hye, her eyes scream maturity and badass. Loving her in this role.
So happy she’s able to make a comeback after the birth of her child.
Solid first episode
The first Ep was really good
Parks shin hye is a perfect cast 💯 for this character (Badass, sassy & cool af with a perfect amount of cuteness) 😎. Super excited for this one. Let’s go 🔥.
Oh Na Ra and Shin Sung Rok cameo. lol Shin sung rok looks like a demon and spiderman mix
The Eraser and Love next door should wait, I need to watch this first. I already saw the Cinderella and DNA dramas.
finally its here. i’m excited for the drama and it’s good to see jaeyoung again after love in contract and our shinhye and the others
give her more of this kind of roles, it’s just episode 1 and she nailing her role, i’m totally hooked
I haven’t read the synopsis for this beforehand so I did not expect her to be a literal “Judge from Hell”, lol. I could tell from the start that this sassy role suits PSH so much. A lot more than the usual damsel in distress, melo romance FL roles.
Finally, its here. I have been waiting ages to watch my gorgeous Park Shin Hye act a character like this and she is finally here with the project.
i liked cast, i liked plot so I am here. Its gonna be case by case suspense crime and punishment which I absolutely love and the romance in between.
I am looking forward to it.
p.s. maybe because no new plot and same old storyline is being replayed over and over again, or maybe my attention span just decreased drastically, but I have been dropping a lot of dramas. So I just hope you won’t disappoint me.
I don’t want to lose faith in kdramas. So please please please be good.
I heard two episode’s were gonna come out today? Did I see that wrong?
When I read the synopsis of this drama,I was excited for real,hv watched park shin hye in all her dramas for over 10years and I can beat my chest and tell you she is not fitted for romance drama,she just doesn’t know how to do it,this role suits her better and as a fan,I am happy for this change.
we need more roles like this for my babygirl.
can’t pass on a park shin hye drama because she was the actress in the first K-Drama I ever watched. Excited for this new one after doctor slump