The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 1

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9 Comments to “The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 1

  1. Not gonna lie, I was getting a bit bored watching this, especially in the 1st half. Nothing much happened that grabbed my attention except for the ending. It’s giving ‘I feel you linger in the air’ vibes (which I absolutely loved) but this was a slow start for me. I’m still going to give it a couple of episodes, though.

  2. Big time hooked….I’m sucker for supernatural, time-warps and such stories…yes, it definitely has ‘I feel you linger in the air’ (one of my all time favourites) vibes, with also some horror elements thrown in I guess….It is by the same author as well, Violet Rain

    Bing definitely has a crush to Khen, and I love how he looks out for him all the time, albeit without being overbearing…people who want to take care of their crushes/loved ones, are always cute to me…but I’m a tad worried because it seems that it will remain a one-sided crush and usually characters with one-sided crushes do not have happy endings in horror stories..I dont want Bing to end up badly…he seems really sweet

    Tor is most likely to be targetted early on by the resentful spirit(s)…his character’s script seems tailor made for that..:/

    Mas, the guy playing the piano (I learnt is the son of the house owner from the older timeline and has to be one of the romantic leads) looks super dapper and downright yummy….and I loved the ‘close-encounter’ between him and Khen…I mean how long can you hold your breath Khen, with a face that pretty being so close and sniffing at you…..can’t wait for more of that….:D

    The only downside of all of this – I just can’t keep up with so many BL series being aired right now…I’ll have to prioritise a few, and put the rest on a waitlist…or risk loosing my livelihood….:P:P

  3. I’m a tad disappointed but I should give this a few more episodes to get into it or not. Don’t know why but while watching this first introductory episode, I was thinking of an American movie The Others (2001) starring Nicole Kidman. I also thought of some similarities with last year’s I Feel You Linger in the Air (2023). The houses in all three of the above mentioned stories include this The Hidden Moon existed in two timelines. One is real time (reality) while the other co-exists in the past. The house has echoes of the past and vice versa the past dweller could faintly hear voices and or feel presences of the future tenant.

    I could be wrong because it’s too early to speculate or make assumptions. The disappointments for me are the portrayal of the characters. Bing for example, he has sixth sense ability and is scared of ghostly presence just like Cole (Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense). However, Bing seems like an encyclopedia on Sixth-Sense. He’s an intern, so that means he’s a college kid or a recent graduate. Did he major in something related to paranormal activity? Bing has become an expert and he in turn comforted Khen.

    Tor a character who’s bound to be tortured by ghosts. Blame himself for his attitude toward everything. He annoys me. Then there’s the lovebirds, the senior employees and team leaders in this assignment. One reports to the boss lady while one is responsible for all expenses while on assignment. It seems like they lack leadership skills in this group.

    I don’t know exactly what the plot of the story is yet. It’s just a slow start for me. I wasn’t fully engaged in anything that was going on so far.

  4. I liked everyone except for To.. He just kept annoying me 😒.. I did find the one with the 6th sense to be so precious 🥺 nd Khen as well.

    Listen Listen Listen im a pendeja when it comes to horror especially when paranormal ghosts nd the likes are involved.. nd jump scares?? not gonna lie a few scenes almost had me.

  5. SPOILER… What an intriguing first ep.😃 Let’s get ready to be creeped out with this new Thai series. That opening scene with the piano out of tune, cracking visuals, thunder/rain, etc. got my attention real fast – CHILLS!😨 It seems we have another romance, supernatural gem amongst us with a mystery and secrets to unfold and resolve👍 This is an adaptation from a novel, which I haven’t read (yet). Reading the synopsis it sounds like, I Feel You Linger in the Air series (which imo was a masterpiece) and it’s probably bc the writer of that novel also wrote the novel this live adaptation is based on. I think a major difference, I fear is that this series will have more horror which I scarily am NOT looking forward to🫣😹

    We’ve seen this plot with characters from different eras meeting and falling in love before and here we have two moons from different eras aligning helping this story along. It also reminds me a bit of a darker version of Memory in the Letter and Two Worlds series.

    Khen attracted to this old-haunted house and his group of friends trying to dig dirt up on this house bothering the spirits has got me on edge. This auntie is freaking me out too!😅

    When Khen startled her and she said, no,I’m used to it, I lol’ed. The way she got out of there so fast when Khen started asking about the woman spirit was too funny. You couldn’t pay me enough to work there. I have a feeling that Bing, the intern is gonna need more than a sixth sense to survive being in that house, lol I believed everything he said- the sixth sense, to the spirit in the hallway during the night, to the strong signals, etc.

    He’s the intern but seems to be the smartest among their crew. Yeah, that would never be me willingly going in there to stir up bad energy and anger spirits with unresolved issues with likely a horrible demise/ death in their past. Khen, curiosity can k ill you sometimes, just saying!😓 Tho in this case, I think it’ll help you find love first😉 (I know Khen and Mas are destined to be but is it just me or does Bing have a slight crush on Khen?🤔)

    And, who exactly is the ghost or haunted spirit in that last scene?👀😨 Our MLs finally meeting at the end was SPARKS!💥💕

    We have a gripping story unfolding and who knows maybe a hidden masterpiece!

    I’m already loving the cinematography, detail to traditional clothing/ props, scenery, the beautiful open landscape, traditional music, etc. The direction, acting and visuals are esthetically pleasing so far. I’m not usually into these creepier themes. But I’m already enjoying a more mature love story💖

    P.S. Remind me to do this next time I feel an unwanted presence, lol😬

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