Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (2024) Episode 9
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Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (2024) Episode 9 full episodes
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First of all, Kaneda is always a pleasure on screen 😅 But Nooooo I’m in pieces!! Soga and Sakae deserve better! 😭😭
Also, look at how Sogaboo was so proud to introduce his Bae to everyone 🥺🥺 and now they wanna break up?? Aaww naur 😔😔😔
😟 … .. half way through this episode I thought … wow, this has been the best episode so far … they were so happy, so on the same page working things out together … and then they just stopped the working through things together … made their own ‘final’ decisions by themselves … and then … 😭
I like seeing how busy Soga-san’s left hand are when they’re laying down on the floor. It’s cute.
omfg….. how can be a ep so cute … damn ,,,, sakae dont do that ,,, you really could see how sogas heart shattered,
i also had an long distance relationship nd it worked 3 y long ,so dont give up so easiely i googled it ,,with train its just 3h from osaka-tokyo and witth plane just 1 h ,,so its really managable ,,hahahha fighto
The cutest epi so far. And whatever happens, right now, this was the right thing to do. Sakae is sticking to his moral compass and principals. It’s a very thing refreshing to see. Kudos!
Not next week being the final episode.
Noooooo I want more! This episode started out very cute. From that scene when they were having an argument and everytime Soga-san throws a tantrum is just so cute😍. If next week ends with an actual break up I really want a season 2 but at the same time I don’t want that. Shout out to Kazuyo and Mizuki for being good friends.
🫶 Well, it’s not a disaster as I expected when last week’s cliffhanger showed Soga’s ex wanting to meet. I am glad that both Soga and Sakae had their closures with their respective ex.
🤭 This is quite a funny episode that they failed to simulate a long distance relationship.
Kaneda has been playing an important role as being cupid. His overreaction in hearing his friends’ tale…😅
On another note, I think Kanda and Kaneda would pair up well. Don’t ya think!?
I’m surprised to notice this angled view of Shoga a robust man rather than the scrawny timid guy.
Does anyone beside me see that this shot of Sakae makes him look like a child of Julianne Moore, maybe because of the red hair?
March 8, 2024 (11:17 PM)
☑️ Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka, Episode 9
The long distance relationship simulation was cute. Soga has evolved, and I liked his relation with Sakae in this epi. He seemed more comfortable with his boo boo.No breaking up please … I hope for a happy ending for both of them.
But that ending…..noooooo.
SPOILER… SogaSakae being so lovey-dovey and pouty was so cute💞🥰
I was also smiling, coyly💓 So finding out the context of that previous scene “let’s break up” was painful to watch but it made sense😔 Soga wants to be together no matter the cost. Sakae knows and understands that there are some things you give up that you end up regretting and resenting the person you’re with later and he doesn’t want to be the reason for that down the line. I’m guessing he learned that lesson from his relationship with Mizuki, where I’m almost sure he sacrificed a lot for him and Mizuki ended up leaving him, anyway, only coming back after he (Sakae) was falling for Soga and vice versa.
I think Soga jumped the gun by quitting his job without trying the real long-distance relationship first and also getting to know Sakae more. He could have found a more permanent solution/ job solution where he didn’t feel like he had to give up everything in one go. He could have asked his boss if he could relocate permanently (to stay with Sakae) at a later point. I know Soga’s ex accused him of being passive in their relationship (or something to that affect) but I feel like this is being overly proactive without a plan and sacrificing so much off the bat.
I was happy to see that Saeko and Soga are supportive of each other’s relationships and that they are in a place where they can do that. That looks like a “happier” and healthier divorce than many people have.
Side note 1: When Sakae in the beginning scene said, he wanted to witness the convo between Saeko and Soga I was like, Yikes!👀 I wanted to say it was cute, but it ticked me off instead that Sakae had the nerve to be so jealous and possessive to overwatch the meeting between Saeko and Soga after everything he put and let Soga go through when he was so cozy and amicable with Mizuki and everything he said and did AND without Soga’s full understanding and acknowledgement from Sakae😏 It felt ridiculous and I was lowkey upset until I saw how smoothly the meeting went. I know SogaSakae haven’t built a lot of trust and a lot of relationship history yet but that wasn’t exactly the healthiest way to go about doing that meeting. I would have preferred that Sakae would have asked at least, if he could be there instead of demanding it. I’m just relieved Sakae could see their full situation by the end of the ep and decided to also sacrifice a bit.
Side note 2: I get the reasoning but like I said in Cherry Magic, I don’t understand these trial, “simulated” long distance relationships. Enjoy the time you have while you still have it, instead of wasting your time pretending to already be gone😔
Just realized my Friday night JBL series is now down to 1 after Perfect Propose disbandment last week. 😭 Used to watch them both at night after a tiring workday, and now this series is ending next week. 😭
The last 2 episodes truly felt like romcom episodes. I’m so happy seeing them this cheesy, even rolling off the ground hugging while sulking at each other. 😂 10 months to 1 month sent them to panic real quick 😭
I hated it when they gave us the “Let’s break up.” teaser last time but now, I kinda appreciated the warning, at least I’m not too surprised. 😂 I’m still very mad though. Ever since Sakae’s first/unofficial confession and since they started their relationship officially, all they have done is adjusting to each other, balancing differences, and fixing conflicts. 😭 I want more happy moments!!!! 😭
Well, let’s see how this ends. Fighting, Soga and Sakae!!!!
Soga has really become an out and proud boyfriend I see. The way he was all giggly, introducing Soga to his ex-wife.
I did not expect both of them to be so cute and clingy, but I’m living for those moments😉💗
I’d been dreading the long-awaited break-up scene since last week and it’s finally here. I agree with Sakae in a way because Soga is just quitting his job without even trying long-distance. And hearing/seeing how he’s practically giving up his dream to be with Sakae, no one would feel comfortable with such a big sacrifice. Sooner or later, things like this turn into resentment.
Is that really a thing in Japan I wonder. Telling your ex wife or husband that your seeing someone else.
I wish he would’ve told her about him and his new bf before the ex wife told him she’s dating that guy. But he spoke up all proud 🤭
lmao the way they fight/argue/bicker is just to funny.
Sakae didn’t want him to give up his job seeing and overhearing what it meant to him and wanted to go ahead and make a long distance relationship try to work.🥹🥹
I get it he’s trying but Soga don’t want a relationship like that🤷🏽♀️ 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
So Sakae tells him that if he can’t try it then they should end it 🥹🥹 and I guess that’s what’s gonna happen a breakup. Why at least really try the long distance thing. Sakae is right Soga giving up his job that he wants won’t end well for their relationship. Resentment would be creeping around the next corner.
im away for this week in case ya dnt see me in the comments.. im not MIA just limited internet 😘♥️
Am I the only one who is not seeing the subtitles yet