Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart! (2024) Episode 1

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Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart! (2024) Episode 1 full episodes

8 Comments to “Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart! (2024) Episode 1

  1. 👍 Wow! For once, another excellent script in the Thai BL. This is more than just a simple romance, where a boy chases a boy coming of age whatever. This story will delve into political power, social classes, human morale and more.

    Initially, I thought Joke was just a clever thief grabbing his classmate’s wallet while failing to pay attention in class. He was basically a trouble maker. But to my surprise, it was a ploy to distract the entire class while his target was much more beneficial to him than the measly cash. Already this guy is a mastermind and I can see that nothing he does will be simple.

    While Joke’s heist at the bank backfired and involved Jack, I was secretly hoping he succeeded in cleaning out Carbon’s bank account. At least that would partly avenge Jack from the bully.

    Jack is too simple minded for feeling good being a hero and happy he got a loan too easily. That would change after serving as a debt collector. It’s too bad that he was looking up to Joke but now regrets meeting him.

    Jack and Joke will have to start all over after their misunderstanding is resolved. They’ll be enemies before becoming friends then to lovers. 🤞

    After this first episode, I am looking forward to more of their good chemistry working together as vigilantes. 👏

    I am also looking forward to seeing my handsome Mark playing a comedic diva designer.

    I hope that Rose will be of some help to the boys later. She has a powerful background.

  2. Finally! REAL CINEMA IS BACK!

    One thing about Yin-War cinematography is that they go full 100%! All in! All of their dramas are on the extreme side of what cinematography is about… You do not see them act out way too many fluffy, non-sensical actions or dialogue…And if they do, it is to propagate an action or scene that lays a foundation for a future scene. None of their filmography have been light-sided – they have always been trauma, angst, and pain-induced.. All too much on the realism side of the spectrum. They make YOU FEEL IT!

    Truly the masters of Emotional Acting are back….

    And episode 1 just seems to set the stage for what could truly be another excellent drama for them and a masterpiece of BL for us to put into the records and books.

    This is what I call Absofu***inglutely BRILLIANT 1st Ep. Bravo 👏 👏 👏
    Holy sh** where do I even begin.
    Oooh Joker, you’re Trouble
    I knew you were trouble when I walked in..🎵🎼🎵🎵 (cue Taylor Swift) And I love TROUBLE…LOL
    But seriously though, this is how we get TinderSwindler…I mean if he arrives with this charm and smile….Me= Yeah you can have my money 💰 🤑 💸 😉
    I knew War & Yin are great actors and this just proved it again.(now I miss “Love Mechanics”)
    Joker is sooo damn fiiine and complicated. I bet he didn’t think that his acts in defiance will get someone in trouble until that sobering moment. I felt so sad for him but also rooting for him in that last scene. 😢 It shows he is not a bad person but was just being a child that’s hurting in his own way ofc (haven’t we all 🤷‍♀️)
    Poor Jack…I can’t imagine, carrying the debt burden for his parents (already hate his dead parents….they better be), being marginalised just cause of poverty to now being involved in a scam and ultimately throwing away your dream to become someone he most likely despised. Yeah that’s a lot for one person. I am looking forward to the resurrection of Feared-Jack.
    Anyone else who hated that Coach even more than that spoiled rotten Carbon copy brat…🤔
    I am in cloud nine for this show and so far all I can say…It’s great to be alive (maybe not for Jack & Joker rn..huh)

  4. SPOILER… What a popping, strong first episode!❤️ War (Joker) and Yin (Jack) have finally arrived in this Thai crime, action romantic drama🙌 I think they forgot to put a semi comedy tag bc some of those scenes were too lmao🤣 I saw a teaser to this like 2 years ago? This is far from The Best Story; En of Love: Love Mechanics franchise and the full length series; Love Mechanics. I’m loving the change up in these roles and this script for them👍 Stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor is not a new idea but both War and Yin are selling it like it is! My sinister and clever ex-boyfriend War was looking F-IONE!😉😍 His facial expressions with the tiny side smirk throughout were just F-IERCE and his smile to d ie for!🤩 Taekwondo, Yin in his Bruce Lee noises were too cute, but nice to know he had some fighting skills after all😁

    I h ate when parents compare and belittle siblings like that. No parent should ever say this to their kid even if they think it’s to motivate them to do better😠

    That father broke Joker down. I can understand why Joker was acting out and raging. The fact that his dad was impressed with “The Joker” before he knew it was his Joker was ironic. The dad probably thinks his bullying is what allowed him the ability to “pass” the exam😏 I had the feeling his older bro knew about most of the lies to?

    That taekwondo jerk, son of the politician that supports the gym, running at the mouth completely unhinged…😤 Even tho I get that the coach has to do what he has to do to get financially by too- Seeing him bowing down to that lil entitled sno t was predictable and just so gr*ss to see😖 Jack, another kid inheriting debt from his parents just trying to get by, ugh! Shamed bc he isn’t wealthy really angered me. You can’t decide what family you are born into. It’s that kind of treatment that often leads people into a life of crime or taking other shady measures to survive irl, which ends up being Jack’s fate here😔 I really dislike people who use their wealth to tear other people down. I absolutely applauded when Jack said, “Don’t blame my poverty, coach. Blame your own principles.” I loved that!💪👏

    Joker is no ordinary thief, quite intelligent. And Jack a hopeful kid up until that last scene. The convo at the bar was such simmering chemistry💗💞 By the time they coincidently met again at the bank, Joker was falling more in love with the dreamer in front of him🥺 The scene outside the bar with the girl running and Joker trying to be a bada*s was hilarious😅🤣

    Good Jack came to the rescue. Lol! The way they just let her talk and ignored her. Haha!🤣

    Little princess deserved to be kidnapped for being d umb. If she actively knows she’s often followed bc she’s wealthy and she decided to runaway bc she felt “suffocated”, Please?!👀😏 Putting other people’s lives in danger is NOT ok!😒 You didn’t realize that the bodyguard was there for YOUR safety?! NO! Smh

    Love this grandma🥺 I got some tears flowing when the police were pulling her hands away from Jack and she kept yelling in her broken voice, “Jack…”🥹 Joker’s heart was in the right place, but I’m not sure how Joker thought Jack was going to get away with having and using that stolen money. And Joker’s confession in front of his family was just compelling😭 You’re seen as a failure to your family and here you’re confessing and admitting to those failures. The way Joker tried to smile through the pain he felt💔 I was emotionally going through it that scene bc I think most of us have at least once had this feeling we disappointed our parents and felt small😭 Joker confessed for Jack’s sake. If that isn’t love idk what is. Meanwhile, Jack was devastated to know the person he thought saved him and handed him the chance to have his dreams come to fruition didn’t. That last scene as they walked away from their families signifying the end of one chapter and the start of their change to come. Presumably, one for the better and the other for the worse. Both Joker and Jack – their eyes watering, that single tear drop, Joker holding the handkerchief, was just so moving💔😭

    The acting and direction was outstanding so far👍 You can see the growth in both War and Yin. War has always been able to convey so much with so seemingly little effort and I love that Yin continues to up his game. Based on that preview for next wk Jack has hit his breaking point and Joker wants forgiveness and to bring back to life the person he fell for…

    I loved this!❤️ Can’t wait til next wk. This series should not be airing on Mondays!😔

    P.S. This disclaimer had me rolling, like, DUH?!😁

  5. Word on the street is that you and War had a breakup…Hope you’re over it gurl cz he’s BACK 🤣

    I don’t know how I stumbled upon War’s pottery videos recently but let me tell you, I’ve been feeling some type of way ever since 👀

    I loved the 1st episode. I did not expect to laugh this much (until the last couple of minutes). Joke is a menace, a very sexy thief 😏 (or can we call it a vigilante?) and I love it. Jack, on the other hand, is a boy with principles (still a couple of months left till he becomes a man, lol) and is his grandma’s little baby. I can see he’s a cheeky fellow as well. But I’ll be waiting for when he has a glow-up and gets rid of that ugly hairstyle hiding his pretty face.

    Here we have another pair of shitty parents. And for God’s sake, who names their kid Joke. Not them calling the Joker ‘cool’ and the camera panning to Joke smirking.

    The Taekwondo bully and Jack’s fight was making me laugh for some reason. I know it was supposed to be serious, but I couldn’t take it that way. But Carbon is an azz through and through. Talk about having a punch-able face.

    It’s good that Joke knows how to pick his fights. “Joke the Giant slayer” scene has me rolling. Should I have been laughing this much? 🤣

    War-Yin have always had great chemistry❣️ I liked how their initial encounter was sent up. And then they gave us a hero moment with Jack saving Joke. That girl was third wheeling so hard. She thinks she has a chance lmao. Brother wasn’t even listening to her yap.

    Wait, the ending!!!! The way it switched from funny to serious as hell. I know your parents are not that good. But who goes and robs a bank? I felt so bad for the poor grandma.


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